CCN Resources
Season of Creation: Listen to the Voice of Creation
Dominican Center: Spirituality for Mission
Booklet for five Sundays of the Season of Creation for 2022
Planting Seeds of Hope – Recap & Resources 2022

“Planting Seeds Of Hope – Taking Action For Our Common Home,” was held on March 19th, 2022 with over 100 participants attended in-person at Campion Hall, Seattle University campus or connecting remotely. Many ideas and resources were shared from a variety of speakers, including Archbishop Etienne and Ken Workman, a descendant of Chief Seattle. You can find videos and resources below from this inspirational and information-packed day.
- Video 1 – Morning session through the fishbowl panel (below left)
- Video 2 – LSAP with Patrick and Anna (bottom)
- Video 3 – Ken Workman
- Archbishop (below right) mentioned this event in his blog post Church Exists For Mission – Truth in Love

General Resources
- The encyclical – The official Vatican website of the encyclical Laudato Si’
- Creation Care Network
- NW Catholic article on Planting Seeds of Hope
- Laudato Si’ animation | CAFOD – Bing video
- Climate Agency For Overseas Development (CAFOD)

Laudato Si Action Platform Resources:
- Vatican Laudato Si Action Platform Website
- National Campaign for LSAP by Catholic Climate Covenant
- Ignatian Solidarity Network
- Laudato Si’ Advocates Program Applications | USCCB – Application deadline April 1, 2022
LSAP Plans of Leading Archdiocese in U.S.
Archdiocese of Atlanta
Archdiocese of Chicago
- Laudato Si’ Action Platform (LSAP)- Parish Vitality and Mission (
- Care for Creation Ministry – Parish Vitality and Mission (
- Earth Ministry Faithful Advocacy
- Washington State Catholic Conference
- New!! Encounter for Our Common Home | Advocacy | We’re all part of God’s plan(et)
Youth & Young Adult Fishbowl
Youth and Young Adult Mobilization | Catholic Climate Covenant
References from participants:
- Radical Imagination About the Podcast |
Radical Imagination - Uprooted and Rising Uprooted
& Rising ( - Black Farmers Collective Yes
Farm — Black Farmers Collective - Buy Nothing Groups BNProject

Resources from Sustaining a Care for Creation Team (c4c)
A complete listing of resources and slides from CCN Members Paul & Suzanna:
Laudato Si’ Movement
Resources from Starting a Care for Creation Team
Presentation can be found here, presented by CCN Members Kathy and Dorothy.
Join Secular Climate Organizations
Connect with faith-based groups & tap into their resources & ideas
- Care for Creation Network (your local Catholic alliance)
- Laudato Si’ Movement
- Catholic Climate Covenant
- Interfaith Power & Light and Earth Ministries
- Green Faith
- Saint Kateri Habitat – Create a Kateri Habitat
Participants were asked to reflect upon the following questions:
What is the Seed of Hope I bring to plant, and how will I nourish it?
What is a new action I can take for our common home?
Green leaves were placed at each table for participants to record their responses and then place the leaves on the tree posted in Campion Hall. To view the “Fruits of the Tree,” please see the responses listed below:
March 19, 2022 – Reflection Question #1
What seed of hope I bring to plant (and how I will nurture it)?
1. People taking action
2. Young folks reduction of plastics
3. Kindness and Learning
4. Safety
5. Kindness
6. Humor—keep it rolling like a river
7. Creativity
8. Drawing
9. Education
10. Hope: care for creation team!
11. Hope: youth
12. Seed of Hope: encouraging young people
13. Hope: young people who GET the urgency of CHANGE
14. Intergenerational ecology events; where great connections, stories, and energies are shared
15. We are all in it together (on it planet)
16. The energy of the younger generation God never abandons us
17. My org skills and big picture skills to C to C
18. I bring hope that there are may groups, people conscious of Earth’s needs.
19. I am Here.
20. Seed if Hope: my family and my daughter
21. Re-use (ing)
22. Conscience and Awareness
24. Hope: seeing people around me care & just talking about it & joining clubs
25. Inclusivity
27. Seed Planting: model sustainability at parish level
28. Seed of Hope: Awareness
29. ‘Bayo Bakare, Apply to my Biz Care for Creation Laudato Si’
30. FOOD
31. I get a lot of hope from activist & loud supporters of climate action. I will continue to lobby and make my voice heard.
32. Hope in our children and what they are already teaching us.
33. God’s people in community. The beauty in Creation.
34. Seed and seed…
35. Inspired by ideas others have brought
36. Information Formation Transformation
37. Impetus to organized action via Laudato Si’
March 19, 2022 – Reflection Question #2
What is a new action I can take for our Common Home?
1. Start planning and sign up our parish (OLG) for Laudato Si’ Action Platform
2. Help the homeless
3. Each one teach one
4. Stop caging animals
5. Build a functioning/working Laudato Si’ Circle
6. Breathe and be grateful!
7. Teach and Preach Truth
8. Renewed hope… pass it on…
9. Action: removing natural gas from house
10. New action: sign up for the Laudato Si’ Action Platform
11. Help as much as you can
12. Spread awareness talk about it
13. Stop calling people ugly you and they are amazing
14. Action: find more ways to communicate practical steps individuals can take to sustain our environment
15. Teach the common good
16. Assist in finding a new Youth Minister that will make Laudato Si’ a priority platform to be the hands and
feet of Christ in our community.
17. Look for ways to ask teens for stories of how they’ve been affected by climate change
18. Action: food justice.
19. 1-volunteer 2-Encourage friends to volunteer & use more sustainable products
20. Pray Reflect Act
21. Take more direct advocacy and political action
22. Love and More and More Creation
23. Investigate action being done now / share info about Kateri Habitat
24. End pollution
25. End killing animals just because they look scary and evil
26. Smile and laugh!
27. Putting my money where my mouth is and investing in climate environmentally friendly products and companies
28. Organize Our Common Home
29. Invite others to make a commitment with me
30. Up my game on recycle and up cycle
31. Be more conscious and grateful for what I have
32. Electrify my home help others take this step
33. Use produce bags at the grocery store
34. Advocacy use less plastic
35. Personally clean up my investments Advocate in my parish for action plan
36. Engage others in conversations about devaluing waste
37. Pray for myself and others to hear the cry of Earth’s Creatures and People