Parish Stories
St. James Cathedral Looks to a Carbon-Free Future
“bring the whole human family together . . . for we know that things can change”
—Laudato Si’ 13
The St. James Cathedral Care for Creation Committee is responding to the call of Laudato Si’. With profound care for each other, our Creator, and all creation, we are building a better future together. This past September, we began a one-year energy assessment of the Cathedral with Seattle University mechanical engineering students, with the hope of becoming carbon-neutral. Included in their assessment are a study of utility usage, air flow, intake and dissipation, and heating. The Cathedral is also discerning the installation of solar panels and electric vehicle charging stations. The students meet weekly with St. James members to provide updates, to raise questions about the project scope, and to receive more information to help in identifying the ways that the Cathedral can achieve its goal to become carbon neutral.FOR INFORMATION: email to Patrick Barredo or call 206-382- 4515.
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Mary, Queen of Peace – Engaged in Caring for Creation
Their Creation Care Bulletin Board, featuring updates on the impact of environmental changes on human life/health, an environmental prayer, and a “saint of the month,” related to environmental concerns; so far, they’ve had Saint Kateri, Saint Francis and Julian of Norwich.
This was their 20th Annual Blessing of the Animals, extended to a wide variety of animals. The blessing was also extended on behalf of animals who had passed away; their owners brought photographs. Donations of pet food were made to food banks. The event was coordinated with the Poverello Franciscan Fraternity (Secular Franciscans) and led by Deacon Felix McGuire.